who beat kuvira

By feats, he's ‍♂️. If Kuvira fights Zuko or Katara then TLOK team can win since void Zaheer would body Toph and Unalaq isn't great for her either. - Two benders of the same element cannot face Each other except They (or thier opponent) are the last members of thier team standing. TLDR: Fusion Unalaq is the best here and nullifies Katara, the best of the ATLA team. Zaheer is a bad matchup for Toph especially if he has flight and Kuvira is equally bad for Zuko. Zuko would likely lose to Zaheer just because he doesn't match up well with airbenders (and that was before flight became an issue), but he can hold his own long enough to get help. She’s far more complex and has a conviction that allows her to make mistakes and learn from them. The Lost Adventures. And Unalaq probably beats season 2 Katara,I only think Season 3 and beyond Katara can beat him @chloros: @vengefulshot: @rijehu: @byondeon: @masma94: @bigdreamer48:@aystarr: @anthp2000: @emmafrostxmen: @quinlan58: @crater_maker: @indomitableregal: @captain_narlowe: @king-ragnar: @stefano: @mialthefencer: @incursion2:@psi-bite234:@freestyler1999::@co-boss:@cpt_nice: @marvelfan1992: @viking1205: @thekeys: @mrgetmebodied: @thebuckaronatr: @shepardoakenprime: @arcus1: @darthfallax: @flashkings: @scarlet_wiccan: @supermanwithatan01: @sy8000: @djudgment: @tektonic: @mrmonster: @eslay03: @nathanthecynic: @geekryan: @cocacolaman: @thebooyzz: @worldsgreatest: @xzone: @loneespada: 1) The villains in a good fight. Zuko would likely lose to Zaheer just because he doesn't match up well with airbenders (and that was before flight became an issue), but he can hold his own long enough to get help. Toph can beat Kuvira, but the other 2 are just bad matchups for her, even if she can match/outperform them in power. Tho I would give void zaheer and fusion Unalaq the advantage over Zuko and Katara respectively, they aren't beating them quickly enough to help Kuvira against Toph. Overall TLOK 7-10. Problem with that spout is that she haven't shown that she can fight using it. Toph would probably lose to Zaheer or Unalaq. Zuko could only (possibly) win against Zaheer. - Zaheer is Pre flight , Unalaq is pre Fusion, Kuvira can metalbend. OT: Post-Fusion > Any other waterbender in the verse. @aystarr: @eslay03: @cocacolaman: @bigdreamer48: @co-boss: @mike_strike10: @byondeon: @nathanthecynic: @geekryan: @viking1205: @gunchar16: @chloros: @supremegeneration: @highmantra_x0sp: @tektonic: @korraalone: @anthp2000: Zaheer loses to Toph because he can't fly,but not quickly due to his agility, And Unalaq probably beats season 2 Katara,I only think Season 3 and beyond Katara can beat him. The Legend of Korra is an excellent television series, to the extent that I reckon Korra is probably a better protagonist than Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Aang in most ways. R2. Toph can beat anyone here. I feel like a fight between them would be closer than I thought, but I would still back Post Fusion Unalaq due to his implied power, attack speed, mobility and skill(although Katara has many of these attributes as well). She'd focus on food, water, and communication. These matchups work better for them. How do you see that happening? Kuvira beats Zuko. 2) The Gaang. Katara beats post-fusion Unalaq, and Toph beats Kuvira. Giving Zaheer the ability to fly and Unalaq a post-fusion state outweighs Metalbending Toph and Post-War feats imo. @aystarr: I know about the stone slicing but when did she do the other two? Unalaq and katara are probably the last 2 standing. Unalaq solo round 2 and 3. gaang round 2 if they play it right and keep zaheer away from toph. Also id just like to say that is a beautiful location. Katara has done everything here actually. For Baatar and Suyin's son who joined the military of the Earth Empire, see Baatar Jr.. Baatar is an architect and the husband of Suyin Beifong, with whom he has five children. Location "metal" (Anything with the silver colour) is bendable. Korrasami is the femslash ship between Korra and Asami from The Legend of Korra fandom. Kuvira announces plans to reclaim the United Republic of Nations for the Earth Empire, and Team Avatar must warn Republic City of the imminent threat. But that might be the villain's strategy. Unalaq beats Katata, post fusion he was able to slice stone in half, create massive ice walls, and ride massive water spouts, Katara would beat Kuvira but not easily or quickly,and might lose to Zaheer because of his speed, Zuko would lose to Zaheer,Unalaq or Kuvira, Toph would lose to Zaheer(with flight) or Unalaq, she would stalemate Kuvira, Unalaq vs Katara, if it's post fusion he wins, Also id just like to say that is a beautiful location, I hope they don't destroy it in their fight because I want to go on holiday there. @chloros: @vengefulshot: @rijehu: @byondeon: @masma94: @bigdreamer48:@aystarr: @anthp2000: @emmafrostxmen: @quinlan58: @crater_maker: @indomitableregal: @captain_narlowe: @king-ragnar: @stefano: @mialthefencer: @incursion2:@psi-bite234:@freestyler1999::@co-boss:@cpt_nice: @marvelfan1992: @viking1205: @thekeys: @mrgetmebodied: @thebuckaronatr: @shepardoakenprime: @arcus1: @darthfallax: @flashkings: @scarlet_wiccan: @supermanwithatan01: @sy8000: @djudgment: @tektonic: @mrmonster: @eslay03: @nathanthecynic: @geekryan: @cocacolaman: @thebooyzz: @worldsgreatest: @xzone: @loneespada: 1) The villains in a good fight.