ahaan meaning in sanskrit

Random Baby Name Finder. It means that this name is rarely used. हिरडा). (--°ree;) driving; bearing; n. conveying (sacrifice); carrying; vessel, boat: -bha&ndot;ga, m. shipwreck. People with this name tend to be very spiritually involved. Here is meaning of Yahan in Sanskrit. (Apśṃś. सांध्य a. not hurting : ariṣṭahan: m. (equals-mathana-q.v) Name of viṣṇu-aruśahan: m. (arus3a-equals aruṣ/a-?) You can also use the √ symbol, this is easily typed by typing \/ in SanskritWriter software. &c.; thought, meaning, intention Prab. Dawn, first ray of sun, beginning of a new era. -द्रव a. shedding nectar. Ancient Sanskrit word Ahan (अहन) literally refers to dawn, morning or daylight. in the neigh bourhood of (g., --°ree;); -nikaya, m. accumula tion; abundance, plenty, store; -nidhâtri, m. one who is near; receiver (of stolen goods); official on duty; -nidhâna, n. (putting toge ther into), receptacle; nearness, proximity, presence; existence: ab. a. -6 Antidote against poison. See duṣvapnahan. (-लम्) a sort of fruit (रुचिफल) found in the country of the Mudgalas according to Bhāva P. -बन्धुः Ved. [sam-nâha] relating to prepara tion for battle, calling to arms; capable of bearing arms; -uka, a. id. 1 To be burnt. Popular Baby Names By Origin. Gr. `" stock "' or `" the balance of the fruits of … -ne) yad inakṣat # RV.1.132.6e; VS.8.53e; śB.; Vait.34.1e; Apś.21.12.9e; Mś. ); -nipâta, m. con tact, collision, encounter, with (in. # MahānU.17.6. -2 the Supreme Soul. (-की f.) 1 Bearing or putting on an armour; सांनाहिको यदा राजन् राजन्यो$थ पशुः शुचिः Bhāg.9.7.14. Ahaan means, " is it so-?" -13 Food in general. a. Sus'r. -तरङ्गिणी moonlight. You can type in any of the Sanskrit transliteration systems you are familiar with and we will detect and convert it to IAST for the purpose of searching. But Geldner points out that that term refers to the late midday, which also is called api-śarvara, as bordering on the coming night, being the time when day is hastening to its close, as in a race. in the neighbourhood of (g., --°ree;); -nikâsa, --°ree; a. having the appearance of; -nikrishta, pp. -16 Property. Numerology : 7. -चितिः f. an arrangement or accumulation of sacrificial bricks conferring immortality. mfn. Ahan . डुकरकंद). Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Sanskrit. n. warding off (see apa-gh/āta-sub voce, i.e. This 2 syllable name has spirit and a positive vibe. -अक्षर a. immortal and imperishable; क्षरं प्रधानममृताक्षरं हरः Śvet. mah-án, m. greatness, ii. ; the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart, soul Yâjñ. Samgava16 is the forenoon, between the early morning (prātar) and midday (madhyamdina). The meaning of Aahan is "dawn, morning". In the śatapatha Brāhmana, however, a day and night make up 30 muhūrtas; 1 muhūrta=ι5 ksipra; 1 ksipra — 15 etarhi; 1 etarhi= 15 idāni; 1 idāni = 15 breathings; 1 breath¬ing =1 spiration; 1 spiration = ι twinkling (nimesa), etc. Sanskrit Dictionary understands and transcodes देवनागर्-ई IAST, Harvard-Kyoto, SLP1, ITRANS. -अन्धस्, -अशनः, -आशिन् m. 'one whose food is nectar'; a god, an immortal. यथामृतघटं दंशा मकरा इव चार्णवम् Rām.7.7.3. Meaning: Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, Origin: Hindi. The divisions of time less than the day are seldom precisely given. ( see alaṃ prajāyāḥ - above sub voce, i.e. Avyaan meaning in Hindi and Sanskrit is : Perfect (A + Vyaan) where "A" means "not" and "VYAAN" came from a sanskrit word called VYANGA which means "Imperfection" so Avyaan = Without any imperfection = Perfect. -अग्रभूः N. of the horse of Indra (उच्चैःश्रवस्); अमृताग्रभुवः पुरेव पुच्छम् Śi. Find out below. Type root: and a word to do a root search only for the word. Ahaan comes from Hindu & muslim name meaning: Dawn, early morning, first ray of light, beginning of a new era... Ahaan means Dawn or/and the first light of day. to be shot (arrow) at (lc. Check it out! Ahaan/Aahana: Sanskrit: Hindi: dawn : Aanya: Aanya: Sanskrit: Hindi: maybe different : Aaradhya: Aaradhya: Sanskrit: Hindi: to be worshipped : Aarav: Aarav: Sanskrit: Hindi: peaceful, calm #638: Aarohi: Aarohi: Sanskrit: Hindi: rising : Aayan: Ayan: Sanskrit: English: maybe motion, path #996: Aayush: Aayush: Sanskrit: Hindi: life, long life : Adi: Adi: Sanskrit: Malay: the first : Aditi: Aditi: Sanskrit: Hindi: limitless : Aditya: Aditya: Sanskrit -वाक a. producing nectar like sweet words. Ahaan name numerology is 7 and here you can learn how to pronounce Ahaan, Ahaan origin and similar names to Ahaan name. -2 N. of Dhanvantari, physician of the gods; also N. of Indra, of the sun, of Prajāpati, of the soul, Viṣṇu and Śiva. It is a feminine name that is of Sanskrit origin. -2 a horse in general. Page 9 of the ultimate A-Z Sanskrit names list, complete with name meanings and origins for all Sanskrit baby names. ); n. depth, abyss; thicket; lurking-place; impenetrable darkness; thick cluster: -tva, n. denseness; impenetrability. The midday is regularly madhyam ahnām, madhye, or madhyamdina. See ta ā vahanti. pp. -3 N. of one of the Nāḍīs in the body; नाडीनामुदयक्रमेण जगतः पञ्चामृताकर्षणात् Māl.5.2. -3 child of immortality (said of sleep); देवानाममृतगर्भो$सि स्वप्न Av.6.46.1. -2 a sort of अयःपाक. duruṣyaha # TA.10.48.1. Origin of the name Ahaan Sanskrit. I have read in one answer so for your in formation Ahilya was not born of the stone she was converted in to stone by a curse later released by the touch of Ram's feet. Search for more names by meaning. -8 Unsolicited alms, alms got without solicitation; मृतं स्याद्याचितं भैक्षम- मृतं स्यादयाचितम् Ms.4.4-5. Aahan appeals to parents who seek a name with genuine depth. (-वः) flow of nectar. 7%. These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. 60%. -14 Boiled rice. (-जः) a sort of plant, Yellow Myrobalan (Mar. Popular Names Near You. American. Simple Answer: Idam in Sanskrit means This. He is believed to have been a contemporary of the poet Gunadbya at the Satavahana court, and to have revised and redacted the Katantra Sutras already existing for the benefit of his patron. used in combination with words like वाच्, वचनम्, वाणी &c; कुमारजन्मामृतसंमिताक्षरम् R.3.16; आप्यायितो$सौ वचनामृतेन Mb. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Aa-han. brought together, assembled; -nipâtya, fp. carrying, i. - tarām - See /alam -. -2 Immortal; अपाम सोममृता अभूम Rv.8.48.3; U.1.1. to be made to pay (ac. -taḥ) śrapayata # TB.; Apś.1.25.10; Mś. Indian (Sanskrit) 2%. dasyuṃ) naryaṃ viver apaḥ, vṛtraṃ nir apām aubjad (RV.1.56.5d, aubjo) arṇavam. Original Monier-Williams data courtesy of Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexion. -पः 1 a drinker of nectar' a god or deity. ... Add a meaning Cancel. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -स्रवः flow of nectar. 5%. Baby Names Live. -2 N. of various plants; e. g. आमलकी, हरीतकी, गुडूची, मागधी, तुलसी, इन्द्रवारुणी, ज्योतिष्मती, गोरक्षदुग्धा, अतिविषा, रक्तत्रिवृत्, दूर्वा, स्थूलमांसहरीतकी. Aho-rātra is a regular term for ‘ day and night ’ combined.The day itself is variously divided. In the Maitrāyanī Samhitā there is the series ‘ dawn ’ (usas), samgava, madhyamdina, and aparāhna. By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Baby Names with their Meaning. -अंशुकः An interior variety of gems having white rays, Kau. -फलः N. of two trees पटोल and पारावत. -रसः 1 nectar, ambrosia; काव्यामृतरसास्वादः H.1; विविधकाव्यामृतरसान् पिवामः Bh.3.4. -आहरणः N. of Garuḍa who once stole Amṛita. near; ab. 2.43. In the later Saiṇhitās and the Brāhmaṇas denotes a ‘band’ or ‘rope.’, yad vṛtraṃ (SV. Type sandhi: and a phrase to search for the sandhi of the two words example. Origin and Meaning of Ahaan User Submitted Origins. ˚जः raw sugar, molasses (गुड). -23 N. of particular conjunctions of Nakṣatras (lunar asterisms) with week days (वारनक्षत्रयोग) or of lunar days with week days (तिथि- वारयोग). That means a period / time of the day e.g. ); -nibarhana, n. repression, mastery (of the heart); -nibha, a. resembling, like, -ish (--°ree;; sometimes with names of colours). ridiculous: -tâ, f. abst. -18 Quicksilver. Aahan is generally used as a boy's name. 34, 12 [pr. [cf. a. (where अ˚ has sense 1 also). Click the icon to enable a popup keybord and you can toggle between देवनागरी and IAST characters. from one's presence (de- part etc. -अंशुः, -करः, -दीधितिः, -द्युतिः, -रश्मिः &c. epithets of the moon; अमृतदीधितिरेष विदर्भजे N.4.14; अमृतांशूद्भव born from the moon; from whom was born the moon, N. of Viṣṇu. सांनहनिक सांनाहिक a. Get answers by asking now. -21 The Supreme Spirit (ब्रह्मन्). śiṅgīnikośyābhyām (TA. (-सा) 1 dark-coloured grapes. In the grammar treatise named 'the Katantra Sutra' written by Sarvavarman the Vedic section and all the intricacies and difficult elements are carefully and scrupulously omitted by him, with a view to making his grammar useful for beginners and students of average intelligence. Yahan ki Sanskrit. ); con junction, combination, aggregation, mixture; (morbid combination=) disorder of the three bodily humours; fall, descent (in lakshana-); collapse, death (very rare): -nidrâ, f. trance; -nipâtita, cs. -11 Clarified butter; अमृतं नाम यत् सन्तो मन्त्रजिह्वेषु जुह्वति Śi.2.17. for example śakt?m will give all words that have something in place of the ?. near etc. Sanskrit to English Dictionary. Dawn, first ray of sun, beginning of a new era. -जटा N. of a plant (जटामासी). Add collection 200. अमृत a. 35, 9; bringing, vii. -2 the Supreme Spirit. Visit a page 5. 35, 5; bearing, ii. Origin of the name Ahaan. They are often found lost in thought, philosophizing and can be quite eccentric. English. Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. आरुरोह यथा देवः सोमो$मृतमयं रथम् Mb.12.37.44. -2 Calling to arms, encouraging to prepare for battle; शैलकटकतटभिन्नरवः प्रणनाद सांनहनिको- $स्य वारिजः Śi.15.72; अकृतार्थश्च भीतश्च न च सांनाहको हतः Mb.7.71.11. -3 fire itself. Up. n. threshing, un husking; lung; -hâra, m. putting off; -hârya, fp. 59, 5; v. 11, 6; 83, 8; vii. abhiśastim arātim # AVś.3.1.1b; 2.1b; AVP.3.5.1b; 3.6.1b. अनर्सा). R. Kathâs. Meaning : Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself, Auspicious Dawn, Morning Glory, First Ray of Light, the beginning or rise of anything अमृताध्मातजीमूत U.6.21; अमृता- दुन्मथ्यमानात् K.136; cf. -कः An armour-bearer. f. bringing, ii. -1 A drug. Mars is the Ruling Planet for the name Ahan. The name Ahaan is ranked on the 65,710th position of the most used names. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. alaṃtama. Parwati is also known as Himja as her father was Himalaya. duruṣvahā (!) -2 a god; इदं कार्यममृताशाः शृणोमि Mb.12.299.7. me 'vocaḥ # PB.1.1.1; Lś.1.1.10; Apś.10.1.4; AG.1.23.15. User Submitted Meanings. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. Ahaan. Anonymous. -नन्दनः A pavilion with 58 pillars (Matsya P.27.8.). You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. पूर्वाह्न is first half of day मध्याह्न is midday. ); -nidh-ya, n. [sam-nidhi] nearness, vicinity, presence, close attendance: -m kri, be present, show oneself to (g.), -pakshe gan, appear in the place of (g.); -nipât-ika, a. -22 N. of sacred place. -ओदनः Name of a son of Siṁhahanu, and uncle of Śākyamuni. See vasiṣṭhahanuḥ. Origin: Indian | Meaning: Full of joy, Peace, Mountain strength, Ireland, Sun ray. n. tying together; pre paration; cord; equipment; -nâda, m. sound, din, cry, roar; -nâdana, a. causing to sound, filling with noise; -nâma, m. subjection; modification; -nâha, m. tying up, girding; preparation, equipment; undertaking; cord; armour, mail; trappings of a horse; -nikar sha, m. drawing together, approximation, close contact, with (--°ree;); connexion with, re lation to (--°ree;); nearness, proximity: -m, ac. A user from Sri Lanka says the name Ahaan is of Arabic origin and means "Sunrise". --°ree;); m. fire, Agni (f. --°ree; a. â); n. burning: -karman, n. act of burning; -garbha, a. having inward fire, flashing with anger (eyes); -½âtmaka, a. whose nature consists in burning or causing grief. 1 Not dead; अमृते जारजः कुण्डः Ak. kavayaḥ purastāt # MS.1.1.2c: 1.7; 4.1.2: 2.18. alaṃprajanana. In the Atharvaveda a division into ‘ the rising sun ’ (udyan sūryah), ‘ the coming together of the cows’ (sam-gava), ‘midday’ (madhyam-dina),*afternoon ’ (aparāhna), and ‘ sunset ’ (astam-yan) is found. If you want a system software for typing easily in देवनागरी or IAST you can download our software called SanskritWriter. the word in the Sanskrit order /alam -) able to beget or generate. दहनीय a. The morning is also, according to Zimmer, called api-śarvara, as the time when the dark is just past. Meaning of the name Ahaan Parents of newborns will like this name, which means dawn or early morning. (-वः) N. of the Bilva tree. By default our search system looks for words “containing” the search keyword. -लता, -लतिका a nectar-giving creeping plant (गुडूची). (-वा) N. of a plant and tree (रुदन्ती-रुद्रवन्ती; Mar. with the greatest ease. -सूः, -सूतिः 1 the moon (distilling nectar). Arabic. Acoording to vedic astrology, Rashi for the name Ahan is Mesh and Moon sign associated with the name Ahan is Aries. -सोदरः 1 'brother of nectar', the horse called उच्चैःश्रवस्. To do an exact match use “” example “śaktimat” will search for this exact phrase. -भवनम् N. of a monastery (built by Amṛitaprabha); Raj. 35, 14. n. day: ahani½ahani, day by day; ubhé áhanî, day and night; áhabhis, every day. aram. Aarin आरिन. -कुण्डम् a vessel containing nectar. Pronounce word 150. 23%. sg. -ईशः, ईश्वरः N. of Śiva. váh-ant, pr. The name Ahan has Fire element. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. Translates words between Sanskrit and English. Which name do you prefer Ethan or Garrett. ). A thirtyfold division of day as well as of night is seen in one passage of the Rigveda by Zimmer, who compares the Babylonian sixty¬fold division of the day and night. What does the name Ahaan mean? Or again, morning and evening are denoted as the dawning of the sun (uditā sūryasya)i or its setting (ni-mruc). ; n. nearness, prox imity: -m, ad.near (--°ree;); lc. spelt as शर्वबर्मन् also, the reputed author of the Katantra Vyakarana. √ dhâ; -helâ, f. contempt: in. -2 a horse or the moon. ब्रह्मणो हि प्रतिष्ठाहममृतस्याव्ययस्य च Bg.14.27. -क्षारम् sal ammoniac. -अपिधानम् Water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover. 2%. From another point of view, evening is called abhi-pitva, the time when all come to rest. What is यहाँ in Sanskrit (Yahan ka Sanskrit arth / matlab kya hai? It's a beautiful meaning <3. In the śānkhāyana Áranyaka the series is dhvamsayo, nimesāh, kāsthāh, kalāh, ksanā, muhūrtā, ahorātrāh. striking … -भल्लातकी a sort of medicinal preparation of ghee mentioned by Chakradatta. a. deep; dense; impenetra ble (also fig. a reputed grammarian who is believed to have been a contemporary of the poet Gunadhya in the court of Satavahana. The one I have heard most commonly as a name is ( http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=312799&board=gen) aYana. With him began the Katantra school of grammar, the main contribution to which was made by दुर्गसिंहृ who wrote a scholarly gloss on the Katantra Sutras. See vṛṣabhasya yā. सांनहनिक sānnahanika सांनाहिक sānnāhika The name Ahan having moon sign as Aries is represented by The Ram and considered as Cardinal. -5 One of the rays of the sun; सौरीभिरिव नाडीभिरमृताख्याभिरम्मयः R.1.58. -तः 1 A god, an immortal, deity. In the Taittirīya Brāhmana the same series appears with ‘ early ’ (prātar) and ‘ evening ’ (sāyāhna) substituted for the first and last members, while a shorter list gives prātar, samgava, sāyam. n. (V.) greatness, might; abundance: only in. -kośābhyām) # TS.; TA.3.21.1. (-ला) 1 a bunch of grapes, vine plant, a grape (द्राक्षा) -2 = आमलकी. -2 Combustible. mahn&asharp;, and pl.1 mahabhih: also ad. -संयावम् a sort of dish mentioned in Bhāva P. -सार a. ambrosial; ˚राणि प्रज्ञानानि U.7. In many later passages the same crime is referred to, always with reprobation : this fact alone shows the erroneousness of the theory that daughters could be allowed, once born, to die if their fathers so desired. It is also called pra-pitva, according to Zimmer. nāmarṣabhasya yat kakut # AVP.6.9.1d. Though the last a is dropped in many modern Indian languages, it is there in Sanskrit. Slaying an embryo’; Bhrūṇa-hatyā, the slaying of an embryo,’ are terms expressing a crime which is repeatedly and severely censured in the later Samhitās, where it is said to be the greatest of all crimes, and one of which the guilt cannot be removed. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. [sam-ni-pâta] coalescing; produced by disorder of the bodily humours. दहनीयता dahanīyatā दहनत्वम् dahanatvam -4 Nectar of immortality, ambrosia, beverage of the gods (opp. Its a Sanskrit name and has no relation to any language. (-ध्यी f.) 1 Relating to the twilight or evening; साध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.38; Ki. -2 The collective body of immortals.